Herbs that increase male potency

Herbs that increase potency

The male reproductive system is very sensitive to various external influences and diseases, which can lead to sexual dysfunction. The first signs of such diseases in men are accompanied by severe stress, which usually turns into neurosis, which further exacerbates the situation and destroys family life.

But don't despair: this disease has been successfully treated today, you just need to consult a doctor in time. In some cases, drug therapy has been successfully replaced or supplemented by herbs to increase the effectiveness of men.

How will herbs help improve potency?

The problem of sexual dysfunction is always closely related to circulatory disorders, because one of the main links of sexual intercourse-erection is accompanied by rapid filling of arterial blood in the corpus cavernosum. If the vascular system malfunctions, then the erection will inevitably be affected. The reasons can be many: from stress and severe neuropsychological stress to injuries, chronic diseases and bad habits.

Only a doctor can answer the question of which herbs can increase male potency. He will be able to prescribe effective methods to increase the strength of his strength after the exam. This is very important, because only the impact on the cause of the violation can really produce results.

Today, drugs produced can quickly restore lost potency. But due to the side effects, not all of these are shown. Therefore, doctors usually prescribe herbs to increase the effectiveness of men, or combine their appointments with the use of powerful drugs to reduce the drug load.

Herbs that increase potency will benefit:

  • Patients of any age who are in the initial stage of efficacy disorders;
  • People with circulatory system diseases, frequent angina pectoris, unstable blood pressure, etc. ;
  • People over 60 years old;
  • Patients with potency disorders at any stage can use herbal medicine as an adjunct to drug therapy to improve their effectiveness.

The most potent herbs, list:

  • Adaptive herbs
  • Biostimulating herbs;
  • Herbs that improve blood circulation;
  • Herbs that restore hormone levels;
  • Herbal medicine with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

One characteristic of natural herbs used to enhance potency is their wide range of action. Therefore, adaptogens can be a source of biostimulants and vitamins, and drugs that improve blood circulation can positively affect the synthesis and secretion of male hormones. Herbs from different groups can be combined with each other.

Adaptogen increases potency

This group of medicinal plants with male potency increases the body's adaptation to physical and neuropsychic stress, and has a mild nourishing effect on the neuroendocrine system. Herbal medicine-adaptogen to eliminate increased anxiety, bad mood, neurosis.

Urologists prescribe the following herbs to improve the effectiveness of men in the adapagens group. List: ginseng, lemongrass, rhodiola, zamanihu, manchurian agave, leuzea, echinacea.

Therefore, the adaptogen increases blood pressure, therefore, it is contraindicated for people with arterial hypertension and unstable blood pressure.


Ginseng that quickly activates male power

The roots of this perennial herb from the Aralia family have been used in the East for centuries to improve potency. Contains essential oils-aphrodisiac, polyunsaturated fatty acids, saponins, pectin, plant sterols, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other active substances.

This folk remedy stimulates the synthesis of nitric oxide in the blood vessel walls of the cavernous body and regulates its blood supply. It has a universal stimulating effect, increases the tension of visceral and vascular smooth muscle, mental and physical functions, strengthens the immune system, promotes mood enhancement, activates the synthesis and secretion of male sex hormones in the brain, improves metabolism and reduces the content of "bad" cholesterol in the bloodFor blood circulation, it is particularly useful for atherosclerosis and efficacy disorders that develop in its context.

Ginseng alcohol tinctures can be purchased in pharmacies. Take 15-25 drops in the morning and half an hour before lunch. This is the best adaptogen that can increase effectiveness, cheer up, and restore the joy of life.

At home, you can prepare fresh ginseng root to increase its effectiveness: grind it on a fine grater, twice a day, and take one-third of a teaspoon 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 4 weeks and can be repeated after one month.

To quickly activate male power, herbal tinctures for erection can be taken 30-40 minutes before sexual intercourse-it helps induce and maintain erections.

Far east schisandra

Lemongrass is rich in antioxidants

Liana of the Magnoliaceae. Dried fruits and seeds are used as medicinal raw materials to increase potency, thereby making tinctures. This fruit contains essential oils, fatty acids, natural nerve stimulants schisandrin and schisandrin. Fruits contain many antioxidants (ascorbic acid and vitamin E), and there are minerals that are important for metabolism.

The medicinal tincture of lemongrass is taken 20-25 drops in the morning and 30 minutes before lunch. Grind the dried seeds and take 0. 5 g (one-tenth of a teaspoon) in the morning and lunch, or half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is one month. It will stimulate men's strength, improve overall health, and help improve mood and self-confidence.

Rhodiola-Golden Root

Rhodiola helps neurosis in the context of potency disorders​​​

A perennial herb growing in the Far East. The raw materials harvested are dried roots and rhizomes. In addition to the essential oils and organic acids contained in its ingredients, it also contains bioactive substances (n-tyrosol and rhodiola) that have neurostimulating effects.

Golden root decoctions or tinctures are particularly useful for increasing anxiety and depression, because they help improve mood, increase self-confidence, and perfectly enhance physical and mental endurance.

Rhodiola extract (pharmaceutical preparation) twice a day, 5-10 drops each time. The course of treatment is 10-20 days.

At home, you can prepare an infusion at a rate of half a teaspoon of broken roots per 500 ml of boiling water. Brew overnight in a thermos, filter in the morning, and drink a cup of tea in the morning. In the context of efficacy disorders, it is a good help in treating neurosis.

Biostimulants for efficacy disorders

Plant biostimulants are substances formed in certain parts of plants under certain conditions. They strengthen the immune system and stimulate tissue regeneration. The synthesis of biostimulants only occurs under extreme conditions, for example, when a part of the plant is placed in cold and dark conditions.

Biostimulants are contraindicated in cancer and any fast-growing tumors-they stimulate tumor growth.

The most famous biostimulant is aloe. In order for the plant to acquire medicinal properties, you need to pluck a leaf and place it in the refrigerator overnight. Aloe's adaptation to adverse conditions and the synthesis of substances with biostimulating properties. Aloe also contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substances.

Aloe-based drugs in folk medicine are used to treat underlying infections and inflammatory processes (which cannot be cured during genital infections), which is usually the cause of impaired potency in young men. Promote better health and strengthen male power.

The most famous biostimulant is aloe

Aloe vera water extract is provided in ampoules. Inject 1 ml subcutaneously every day for 30 days. At home, you can chew the leaves in the refrigerator before eating, but do not exceed 1-2 leaves a day. You should not expect rapid drug effects, but after a course of treatment, sexual function will improve.

Aloe vera should be taken carefully when you have frequent diarrhea, because it helps to thin the stool.

Herbs that promote blood circulation

Herbs that increase potency by improving blood circulation, strengthening blood vessel walls, conditioning smooth muscles, and preventing thrombosis in arterioles and veins must be included in complex herbs for patients with potency disorders. The list of such plants includes Dubrovnik, ginger and some other herbs.

Dubrovnik White

Dubrovnik improves blood circulation in the pelvis

This is a perennial herb from the Lacuaceae family, native to South Asia. Used in folk medicine to treat genitourinary system diseases. Dubrovnik contains essential oils, tannins, organic acids, flavonoids, phenolic acids and some other active substances.

The most valuable ingredient in herbal medicine is essential oil, which can improve the blood circulation of the small pelvis, and actively inhibit the life activities of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, fungi and viruses), and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Dubrovnik is a plant that increases male potency. This would be useful for patients who have impaired efficacy due to small pelvic congestion and infectious and non-infectious inflammatory processes.

At home, you can prepare medicinal granules: take half a cup of raw materials, pour in a cup of boiling water, let stand for one hour, filter, and drink in several doses during the day. The course of treatment for improving health and strengthening men’s strength is 3 weeks.


Ginger quickly increases potency

Ginger or white root is a perennial herb in the ginger family. The root contains an essential oil with a pungent smell and taste, and contains active substances that dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation and warm up. One of them-gingerol-warms the body from the inside, giving the drink a unique taste.

The roots are rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals. They will immediately participate in the metabolic process and accelerate the metabolic process. Ginger will help restore healthy tissue nutrition.

It helps to strengthen the immune system, has nourishing, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects, relieves visceral smooth muscle spasm, helps restore normal blood circulation, and quickly increases effectiveness.

Contraindications: increased bleeding, fever, gastric ulcer.

Botanical tinctures that increase male potency:

Take 200 grams of roots, grind them on a coarse grater, pour in vodka to completely cover the roots; store in a warm and dark place for 10 days, shaking occasionally; filter, add a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice, in the morning and lunchTake a teaspoon, 30 minutes before meals, until the tincture is over; it helps well with impotence related to circulatory disorders.

Herbs that restore hormone levels

Herbs that promote men’s health and restore hormones and libido contain plant hormones-substances whose functions are similar to male sex hormones. Some plants contain active substances that promote the neuroendocrine center of the brain and the secretion of adrenal cortex hormones. Such herbs include celery, garden vegetables, tribulus terrestris, and goat weed.


Celery contains aphrodisiac essential oil

The ancient Greeks believed that celery stalks could produce passion. The leaves and stems of this herb contain aphrodisiac essential oils and plant hormones-active substances that promote the synthesis of testosterone. This herb also contains a lot of ascorbic acid (antioxidant), B vitamins (energy), including niacin and minerals that dilate blood vessels.

With regular use of this herb, blood circulation in the small pelvis is improved, libido increases, erection duration increases, and premature ejaculation disappears. This herb has no immediate effect.

Folk recipes:

  • Celery juice-drink three times a day, a cup of apple juice or cucumber juice, add a tablespoon of celery juice;
  • Salad of celery and carrot stalks; chop celery stalks, grind the carrots with a coarse grater, and mix them in equal amounts; add parsley, dill, vegetable oil, and salt, and eat at breakfast every day;
  • Celery root infusion; One tablespoon of root grated on a coarse grater, pour 500ml of boiling water into a thermos overnight; strain it in the morning and drink 200ml before meals.

Garden green

Parsley and dill stimulate male libido

Parsley and dill also contain plant hormones that stimulate sexual desire. Green leafy plants contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which can activate metabolic processes. Therefore, in the case of impotence, it is recommended to consume vegetable salad every day, which includes these herbs.


A potent-enhancing herb from the lobular family. To prepare the medicine, the ground part of the herbal medicine is used. Contains natural steroidal saponins, which can enhance the function of the male reproductive system.

The active substance Prodioscin can restore libido, increase the duration of erection, stimulate sperm synthesis and improve its quality. Reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol, normalize fat metabolism, help lose weight and improve blood circulation.

Tribulus enhances the function of male reproductive system

Pharmaceutical preparations:

  • The product, one tablet contains 250 mg of dry extract of Tribulus terrestris; it will be taken 3 times a day for 3 months;
  • Tribulus medicinal tincture; 3 times a day, 20 drops each time for 2 to 3 months.

At home, you can prepare a medicinal infusion of Tribulus terrestris: pour a tablespoon of chopped grass with a cup (250 ml) of boiling water overnight; strain in the morning and drink two doses before meals; the course of treatment is 2 months. Healing herbs will not have an immediate effect, but this is one of the most effective herbs for restoring male strength.

Horny Goat Weed

Horny goat weed stimulates male libido and sexual activity

Horny Goat Weed is known as the most potent herb because it contains the flavonoid icariin, which has the properties of an aphrodisiac-a substance that stimulates sexual desire and sexual activity. The role of icariin: It inhibits the production of enzymes that prevent the formation of nitric oxide-nitric oxide is the main substance that immediately dilates the blood vessels of the penis during erection and helps its enhancement.

Produced in the form of food supplements. At home, extract the medicinal materials of the mountain girl from the grass of the mountain girl: pour a tablespoon of the herb and a glass of boiling water into a thermos overnight; drink a few doses in the morning and drink during the day; the course of treatment is 4 weeks; it helps to strengthen the erection.

Herbs with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties

Doctors know very well which herbs can improve the effectiveness of prostate or urinary tract infections and inflammatory processes. There are some herbs with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects that can increase their effectiveness. Such plants include St. John's wort, nettles and rose hips.

St. John's Wort

St. John's Wort stimulates androgen secretion

One of the most popular folk remedies, it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Due to the existence of hypericin, the active substance of hypericin, hypericin plant infusions and decoctions actively inhibit the life activities of pathogenic microorganisms. Anti-inflammatory effects are provided by flavonoids (hyperoside, quercetin), and some flavonoids (rutin) can also strengthen blood vessel walls.

Phytosterols (β-sitosterol) St. John's wort stimulates the secretion of male hormones, which means they can increase libido, increase erection time and inhibit premature ejaculation. These active substances also have a positive effect on cholesterol metabolism (the amount of "bad" cholesterol is reduced) and improves blood circulation.

St. John's wort can suppress the increase in anxiety and relieve the symptoms of neurosis. You can prepare from the grass:

  • Drug infusion; pour one tablespoon of chopped medicinal materials together with 400 ml of boiling water, let stand for half an hour, tighten and squeeze, 3 times a day, take 80 ml medicinal materials before meals; course-3-4 weeks;
  • Tincture: pour vodka on the grass in a ratio of 1: 10, leave it for 14 days (shaking occasionally! ), tighten, 3 times a day, 30 drops each time; the course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

With the help of drugs based on St. John's wort, you can well strengthen your immune system, and they will help men with potency problems associated with chronic infections of the genitourinary organs and slow inflammatory processes-prostatitis, urethritis.

This herb is used to improve the effectiveness of short courses (no more than one month). Do not increase the recommended dose-exceeding the dose and duration of administration may not increase, but inhibit sexual activity.

St. John's wort can also increase tissue sensitivity to light, so it is worthwhile to limit the time spent in the sun when taking it.


Nettle is used to prepare medicinal infusions for the treatment of potency problems

Nettle leaves contain many active substances that affect all types of metabolism. Nettle also has anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects, and stimulates the secretion of male hormones. If there is a problem with the efficacy of the medicine at home, you can prepare nettle infusion: put a tablespoon of leaves in an enamel bowl, pour 250 ml of hot water, soak in a water bath for a quarter of an hour; let cool, add boiling water to the original amount, daily3 times, 80 ml each time, drink before meals; the course of treatment is 4 weeks.

Nettle infusion should not be used for diseases related to increased blood clotting and the threat of thrombosis-venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis, etc.

Factory fee

Herbs for male health and potency are usually prescribed at a cost, and their ingredients are individually selected according to the cause of the development of impotence. Cooking rules:

  • Infusion to increase potency; crushed ingredients: Rhodiola root and tall lamb, rose hips-40 grams each, St. John's wort and hawthorn fruit-20 grams each, nettle leaves-30 grams; mix, combine one tablespoon of collectibles withPour boiling water into a thermos overnight; 3 times a day, each 40 ml infusion; the course of treatment is one month; suitable for patients with vascular diseases and chronic inflammation of the reproductive organs;
  • Powder to increase potency; materials (grind and mix): 1 part licorice, 2 parts ginger, 8 parts sage grass; 2 times a day, half a teaspoon between meals; course-2 months; can be used to treat any typeImpotence, because it can enhance erection;
  • A mixture of honey and herbs to increase potency; ingredients: take an equal volume of honey and nettle powder, add half the volume of minced ginger and lemon juice; mix everything quickly, take one teaspoon a day for one month.

There is no need to wait for the immediate effects of herbs, but if men's strong herbs are used correctly and in accordance with the doctor's prescription, then they can increase potency, increase vitality and confidence. Taking herbal infusions and decoctions alone and focusing on your friends’ suggestions is unlikely to be beneficial. On the contrary, it may cause harm.